
Designing A Program That Works For YOU.

This program educates you on how to make the best choices for your exercise and overall health goals, based on an assessment of exactly what your body needs to work optimally.

The F.I.T.T. Principle (Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type) outlines how to manipulate your fitness program to get in shape and get achieve better and more consistent results.

This combined with:

  • YOUR weight, height = YOUR Body Mass Index

  • YOUR Fitness Test /Lactic Acid (Aerobic/Anaerobic) threshold, and your maximum heart rate

  • YOUR Body Composition Analysis (% body fat, % of lean body mass, % body water)

  • Basal Metabolic Rate - # of calories you burn at rest - Never eat less than this # of calories

  • # of grams of Protein /day you require to maintain your lean body mass (muscle & bones)

  • Calories YOU burn when YOU exercise

  • YOUR ideal Heart Rate to exercise for: 1) Fitness, 2) Muscle building, & 3) Fat burning

This beneficial information will be an effective tool to allow your body to consistently improve! It also helps you figure out how to change your workouts to avoid overuse injuries, boredom, and weight loss plateaus. Learn to work with your body to consistently improve and reach your goals!

Cost: $200 - Please call the office to register today!