
Osteoarthritis and the resultant pain and disability is a significant and pressing problem across the world as identified in a number of international reports. According to the World Health Organization, 9.6% of men and 18.0% of women older than 60 years of age worldwide have symptomatic osteoarthritis (OA), making OA one of the most prevalent chronic diseases. In Canada there are currently more than 4.6 million people living with OA which will rise, within a generation (in 30 years) to more than 10 million (or one in four).

For most people this damage can occur when otherwise healthy joints are exposed to heavy workloads overa a long period of time. However, for some people whose joints are formed differently or who have a previous injury; even normal workloads can accelerate joint damage. 

The joints most commonly affected by OA are the knees, hips, big toes, hands and spine. OA affects everyone differently, but common symptoms include joint pain, aching, morning stiffness lasting longer than 30 minutes, reduced range of motion in the affected joint(s) and possible swelling. The symptoms come and go but the intensity of the pain increases over time as OA is a progressive disease. 

Natural Management of Osteoarthritis: 

  • Therapeutic exercise/ physical activity 

  • Proper Mobility/ stretching  - refer to our Monthly Mobility, Strength, Balance Workshops

Available Supplements at the Wellum Chiropractic Clinic (Ask Dr. Brookshaw, Dr. Rybicki or Dr. Schatz which is best for you!)

  • Glucosamine Joint Formula - Adeeva 

  • Joint Formula IU - Sierrasil 

  • Joint 33x - BioTrust 

  • MSM Glucosamine Sulfate - Natural Factors 

  • Ultimate Glucosamine Powder